6x6 Submision
Printed photography
Submitted for the Rochester Contemporary Art Center’s 2023 6x6 Show, listed as entry #935. It was taken as a part of a series of landscapes. Stood on an overpass, I tried to capture a shot on a rather busy interstate without any cars. Framing it down did remove some visible from the top of the shot. That left just my shadow, stood alone in a situation where I was very much not alone. Too many cars for that.
Printed photography
Submitted for the Rochester Contemporary Art Center’s 2023 6x6 Show, listed as entry #935. It was taken as a part of a series of landscapes. Stood on an overpass, I tried to capture a shot on a rather busy interstate without any cars. Framing it down did remove some visible from the top of the shot. That left just my shadow, stood alone in a situation where I was very much not alone. Too many cars for that.